Awhile back I talked about wanting to learn how to sew. I had every intention of making my boys each dream pillows for Yule. Well, I finally sat down at my sewing machine today and figured since I was able to make a decent pair of boxer shorts back in the eighth grade, it should be like riding a bike right? I was wrong. Serves me right for thinking I could sit down and just learn/create a week before the holiday. Anywho, if there's anyone out there that knows anything about sewing, I'd really appreciate if you could troubleshoot these photos for me.
In trying to sew a basic straight stitch, the top looks like this:
Not too bad, but the bottom looked like this! (Sorry about the poor focus)
Any thoughts?
(Just FYI, this was just me practicing...thankfully I wasn't stupid enough to actually sit down and start sewing the pillows!!)
December 13, 2010 at 4:04 PM
Well, it's been a long time - but that is a bobbin problem of some sort. Try adjusting the tension, or completely rewind the bobbin and see if that helps.